The Liver is an organ about the size of a football. It sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen. The liver is essential for digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances.
Liver Disease can be inherited (genetic). Liver problems can also be caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as Viruses, Alcohol use and Obesity.
Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to Scarring (Cirrhosis), which can lead to Liver Failure, a life-threatening condition. But early treatment may give the liver time to heal.
Symptoms of Liver Diseases
Liver disease doesn't always cause noticeable signs and symptoms. If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, the may include:
Causes of Liver Diseases
Liver disease has many causes.
Parasites and viruses can infect the liver, causing inflammation that reduces liver function. The viruses that cause liver damage can be spread through blood or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with a person who is infected. The most common types of liver infection are hepatitis viruses, including:
Immune System Abnormality
Diseases in which your immune system attacks certain parts of your body (autoimmune) can affect your liver.
Fatty Liver Disease
Fat buildup in the liver can lead to fatty liver disease.
There are two types of fatty liver disease:
Liver cancers first develop in your liver. If cancer starts elsewhere in the body but spreads to the liver, it’s called secondary liver cancer.
The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. It tends to develop as several small sports of cancer in your liver, though it can also start as a single tumor.
Complications of other liver diseases, especially those that aren’t treated, may contribute to the development of liver cancer.
Cirrhosis refers to scarring that results from liver diseases and other causes of liver damage, such as alcohol use disorder. Cystic fibrosis and syphilis may also lead to liver damage and, eventually, cirrhosis.
Your liver can regenerate in response to damage, but this process usually results in the development of scar tissue. The more scar tissue that develops, the harder it is for your liver to function properly.
In its early stages, cirrhosis is often treatable by addressing the underlying cause. But left unmanaged, it can lead to other complications and become life-threatening.
Liver failure
Chronic liver failure typically happens when a significant part of your liver is damaged and can’t function properly. Generally, liver failure related to liver disease and cirrhosis happens slowly. You may not have any symptoms at first. But over time, you might start to notice: jaundice, diarrhea , confusion , fatigue and weakness , nausea . It’s a serious condition that requires ongoing management.
Acute liver failure, on the other hand, happens suddenly, often in response to an overdose or poisoning.
Risk Factors of Liver Diseases
Factors that may increase your risk of liver disease include:
Complications of Liver Diseases
Complications of liver disease vary, depending on the cause of your liver problems. Untreated liver disease may progress to liver failure, a life-threatening condition.
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